Get your Spices tested at Best-in-Class testing facilities to attain precise and reliable results

Acquire routine analysis of drugs as per latest pharmacopoeias

Ensure your quality of waterfulfil regulatory requirements to maintain safety by testing with proven technologies

we detect various contaminants in water by analytical testing facilities

By challenging coronavirus we provide a wide- range of testing services by satisfying civilization/the public

Upgrade your skills by accomplished Hands on training to fulfill your goals.

YONTUS provides extremely high quality testing services to the customers related to food, agro, pharma/drugs, water, environment and medical service sectors. We have best-in-class ultra-modern highly sensitive equipments, state-of-art infrastructure with competent manpower, by following national and international standards analytical test methods to provide accurate and reliable results which helps the customers to meets quality and safety standards of their products. we offer various test parameters includes pesticide residues, toxins, metals, dyes, microbial analysis, physical and chemical Analysis in various food products, water, etc.,
YONTUS Life Sciences provide Analysis of drug substances/API’s, Drug finished products, and excipients carried out routinely as per the latest pharmacopoeia (IP, BP, EP, USP). We offer Analytical method development and validation, Invitro dissolution studies, Impurity analytical services in compliance with current ICH guidelines and also performed Microbial evaluation in various Pharmaceuticals products.
YONTUS Life Sciences, molecular biology division is well-equipped have qualified lab technicians combine together to bring the highest quality reports for all molecular diagnostic tests needs to the clients with nil tolerance of errors.
YONTUS provide skill development training programs offered for all graduate and post graduate students in life sciences division.